Monday, January 28, 2013

The Generation of Hip-Hop

I agree with Chang that Hip-Hop has come to be the way an entire generation sees the world around us. A lot of artist has taken different styles of music and turned it into a means to be profitable that captures selective audiences. Several rappers keep up their stereotype style that allows them to sell their music, allowing them to have a specific lifestyle to increase the sales of their records. Some of these singers or performers claim to be wealthy when in actuality their not, and others claims to be from gangs and lived in the projects, when their actually wealthy. Throughout the years I’ve noticed myself enjoying Hip-Hop more and more while not letting the lyrics influence the way I think about Hip-Hop. This type of music has millions of followers which became a type of culture for making this style of music very mainstream.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The future and what to expect

The future is now. This chapter describes things that are happening now and plans for the future. After reading this chapter it became an eye opener when Carl Sagen did an interview on Nova discussing “Time Travel” he states we are stuck in time and if we could travel at the speed of light then that would allow us to ravel into the future. Think of the possibilities and benefits of traveling into time. We can travel into the future to see what’s to come and if it’s something we don’t like then go back to the current time and change it. Sagan also discussed traveling back into the past which could be devastating. Sagan was asked to describe the “grandfather paradox” in relation to going back in the past. He said “someone can travel back into the past murder your grandfather before he had any children instantly wiping you and all your family members out of existence. I feel somewhere on the planet someone is time traveling as we speak.


Friday, January 25, 2013

Trust or not to be trusted; That is the Mind.

           I believe the mind is one of the most powerful parts of the body; so far every part of the body can be replaced except the mind. The mind controls what you see, smell, and touch; it can even tell your arm and, feet which direction to go in. How couldn’t any one trust their own mind. On the other hand the mind can play games on you, it can make you see things that aren’t there, make you do things that you choose not to, your mind can go as far as telling you to do harm to others even yourself causing a serious injury or even death


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Enviormental awareness and activism

Environmental awareness is very important in today’s time especially when it comes to the earth. We as man survive on what we need taking from the earth for this survival such as shelter, water, food and the air we breathe. The earth cannot replenish its resources fast enough do to our growing population. It’s been under attack ever since the dawn of mankind. Without this environment we wouldn’t exist but yet we continue to destroy the earth’s resources. The government is trying to make changes in trying to preserve our environment by cutting down on pollution, one of the project that they came up with is Go Green” this is a concept for people to learn how to make environmentally friendly choices. The green movement is dedicated to helping people become more aware of how daily choices affect the planet; it also advocates making small changes to promote healthier and more environmentally friendly living.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Prison system

Foucault claims the prison doesn’t reform the prisoners but worsens them when released back into society. He feels prison doesn’t diminish the crime rate but instead intensifies it, he feels they should get rid of the system because it doesn’t work. Prisoners that leave prison have more of a chance of going back and that’s for every one out of six prisoners. He feels the prison should educate its inmates, and teach them respect so when entered back into society they have a better chance of adapting and not going back to prison. During the July monarchy in 1835, out of 7,223 convicted criminals, 1,486 were recidivists. The prison continues to release dangerous delinquents throughout our populations. The prison system hasn’t changed much today since the 1800’s


Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Art of War


In Chapter 5 of Sound Ideas the author Sun Tzu of The Art of War focuses focus on the effectiveness of military strategy. He stresses the importance of analyzing all aspects of the situation at hand before engaging into war, for the outcome of the war will be either survival or destruction of the nation. Tzu also focused on what The Art of War was governed with five constant factors when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field, The Moral Law, Heaven, Earth, The Commander, and Method and discipline. I can relate to Sun Tzu, because I was in the military being taught some of the same strategies and survival techniques that was discussed in chapter five


Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Important Theme about Love

It was the 90’s when I met my first true love. Valentine’s Day, and I didn’t have a girlfriend or a date so I decided to go out and treat myself to dinner at one of the finest restaurant on Virginia Beach. While there I looked across the floor surprisingly to see the most beautiful girl.  Her hair was black, long and silky. Her skin was brown and looked perfect. My heart was beating so fast, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I finally got the courage to approach her, and when I drew near I smelt a natural scent of innocence. After introducing myself, and she introduced herself to me, we spoke the whole night, finding out we had so much in common. Well I dated her for 6 months everything was perfect and I thought I had the perfect companion, I couldn’t see myself with no one else. One day I was in the mall with my friends and one of them said “isn’t that your girlfriend over there”. I started to approached her when I noticed two kids running up to her saying “mommy, mommy” my heart started to beat again, not the type of beat for love but a beat for deceit. I continued to approach her when a tall man approached her and gave her a big kiss, while over hearing the kids yelling out “daddy, daddy”. It was then I realized my relationship was
 “Too good to be true”


Friday, January 18, 2013

My School Experience

I graduated from Dillard High school located in Fort Lauderdale Florida. One day at school my best friend of five years approached me asking if I wanted to make some extra money. I was very excited because in those days extra money was great because minimum wages was $3.35 an hour back then, anyways. I asked him what do we have to do, he said deliver packages after realizing what was in the packages I declined, well needless to say my best friend and I started leading two different lives. He dropped out of school and became one of the biggest drug dealers the Fort Lauderdale area. I graduated went to the military and studied engineering. One day I came home from the military on vacation and I received a call from my friend. He told me he hasn’t seen me for years and heard I was in town and wanted to hang out. That night he was supposed to pick me up so we could hang out in Miami. To make a long story short he never came, and I was so upset. Early next morning we received a call from his brother that my best friend from high school was shot in the head during a bad drug deal. I always think about the two paths that were offered to me and I’m happy of the one I chose, and I will continue to prosper on that path.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Memory of Family Event


I remember the day when my first child was born. The doctor said it was a boy, so I decided to name him Nicholas. For the first time I thought to myself, “Wow, I’m a father”. I was excited to have this baby not knowing the challenges having a son would come with. Having Nicholas has taught me many things like to be gentle and patient. After two years of raising Nicholas I then had a baby girl named Victoria and one year later another girl named Jasmine. Having three kids is a great challenge that comes with many sacrifices and obstacles to overcome. While raising my three kids I learned that even though it could be a little tough and hard at times they brought happiness to my life. They have changed a lot about me as my life was about them. They made a difference in my life and made me a better person.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Childhood Memory

Child Hood Memory


During my childhood days I can remember playing with a lot of girl toys. My parents had three girls and one boy, guess who that boy was. I didn’t have a lot of male friends in the neighborhood so I would always have to resort to playing with my sisters, which consist of playing with baby dolls. I learned from my sisters how to comb and braid the dolls hair, match their cloth when dressing them and so on. My father would always take away the dolls from me explaining dolls are for girls you need to play some football. As time went on I became a single father of three beautiful kids two of which are girls. I thank my sisters today for what they have taught me back then.